If you think you've experienced or witnessed sexual harassment and want to talk to someone confidentially, contact NABS:

0800 707 6607 between 9am - 5.30pm


Here you’ll find further information about the timeTo initiative, including downloads and FAQs.


Code of conduct

Read the Code of Conduct, which gives guidance on what to do if you’ve been affected by sexual harassment, as well as offering definitions of sexual harassment and scenarios of when and where it frequently takes place.

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2020 Research Report

Read the report from our 2020 research, surveying 1,250 industry professionals on their experiences and understanding of sexual harassment and how it may have changed as a result of the pandemic.

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Read the Report, which summarises the results of our survey of 3,500 UK advertisers and marketers from March 2018.

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Read this Checklist, offering ideas for incorporating the Code of Conduct into your business, on a short- and long-term basis.

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Read the FAQs, also available below, which answers questions about the timeTo initiative, answers questions for those affected by sexual harassment, and tells you how you can get more involved in the timeTo initiative.

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Read this Support document to find more contacts and organisations that may be able to help with situations around sexual harassment.

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timeTo FAQs

What constitutes sexual harassment?
  • Sexual harassment is defined by the Equalities Act (2010) as: “Unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, which has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a worker, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.”The crucial word in the definition is ‘unwanted’.
  • You can read more about examples of sexual harassment in the workplace on page 5 of the timeTo Code of Conduct.
What is the agenda of timeTo?
  • Our ambition is to end sexual harassment within the UK advertising and marketing industry.
  • No one should have to put up with sexual harassment. Everyone working in our industry – regardless of age, gender, sexuality, background, or job – should be free to work within a safe environment without fear of abuse.
  • Sexual harassment simply should not happen. We must never accept this behaviour. We must not allow this behaviour to continue unchecked. We must never create an environment that fosters this behaviour. We must never allow those affected to go without help.
  • To truly end sexual harassment for good, we must start in our own backyard.
  • The timeTo act is now.
What’s behind the timeTo name?
  • Sexual harassment is a difficult and upsetting subject. While we want to understand the extent of harassment in the workplace and offer people affected advice and guidance, we want the focus of our initiative to be about positive change. (see Code of Conduct, 3. Taking Action b) to e), or managers & HR see the Affected by Sexual Harassment section).
  • We want timeTo to be the start of a conversation and a rallying call for people to get behind. To believe that positive action can be taken. To believe that if everyone is aware of the issues and willing to invest in change, change can happen.
  • That’s why the name timeTo is all about exactly that… change. It’s the start of a sentence, which begins a positive action, which creates change.
  • As we say:
    • timeTo come together
    • timeTo change things for the better

    • timeTo put an end to sexual harassment

Who’s behind timeTo and how did it begin?
  • timeTo is a coalition of three UK advertising and marketing bodies: the Advertising Association, NABS and WACL.
  • It began when a group of senior industry professionals decided the UK advertising and marketing industry required its own response to the global #metoo debate that had ignited in late 2017.
  • The three organisations recognised that they wouldn’t see the change they wanted until they understood the extent of sexual harassment within the industry and the views of people who both had and hadn’t been affected by sexual harassment.
  • This led to an industry-wide survey designed to uncover the issues. The findings were presented back as a Report, which informed the development of the Code of Conduct. The Code offers advice to individuals who have been affected directly or indirectly by sexual harassment, while also offering advice to businesses to make change.
  • timeTo has been additionally aided by Lucky Generals who created the communications campaign and visual assets, and Credos who performed and analysed the survey.
Why just the advertising and marketing industry?
  • The people behind timeTo believe there’s no place for sexual harassment, anytime, anywhere. However, the initiative has been created with the UK advertising and marketing industry in mind, because that is who the Advertising Association, NABS and WACL are here to represent.
  • Yet, just as we want to see an end to sexual harassment, wherever it takes place, many of the findings are relevant for any industry, in any country.
  • Whilst the services available through NABS to help people affected directly or indirectly by workplace sexual harassment are only available to people within the industry, we offer a list of contact details for organisations designed to help with a wide range of issues. That list can be found here.
I’m a journalist and I’d like to learn more, who can I talk to?
  • Please contact the timeTo communications team: timeToMedia@nabs.org.uk
  • You can read the Code launch press release here.
  • You can read the initiative launch press release here.
What was your survey methodology?
  • The report presents the findings of a survey carried out by advertising think tank, Credos, of 3,580 people working in the UK advertising and marketing communications industry, carried out between 12th March and 16th April 2018.
  • The survey was administered using an online survey software tool which ensured respondent anonymity.
  • Whilst great care was taken to ensure that people completing the survey weren’t only those affected by sexual harassment, it is possible the results over-represent those affected by sexual harassment.
  • The definition of sexual harassment used was taken from the Equalities Act: “unwanted conduct of a sexual nature with the purpose or effect of violating someone’s dignity or creating a hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them”.
  • Respondents were shown this definition at the start of the questionnaire to help them frame their responses.
  • All figures quoted in the report are unweighted and are not a perfect representation of the entire advertising and marketing workforce.
  • The results are indicative and should be used as a guide.
What were the key findings of the survey?
  • The full findings can be read in our Report.
  • The main findings can be viewed in our Film.
  • A selection of findings are abridged as follows:
    • Of those surveyed, 26% have been sexually harassed while
      working in the advertising and marketing industry – 34% of female respondents and 9% of male respondents
    • The great majority (72%) of those who have been sexually
      harassed have been harassed more than once, and of them,
      25% have been harassed 6 times or moreA further 30% have witnessed sexual harassment happening to
      others so, in total, 41% have either experienced it and/or witnessed it (some people have both experienced it and witnessed it).
    • Sexual harassment is far from being a thing of a past – some 20% of female respondents aged 18-24 have already been sexually harassed in the few years they’ve spent working in the industry.
    • The results reveal a significant lack of clarity in both the definition of sexual harassment and in reporting systems.
    • Many respondents also expressed distrust in reporting systems,
      with fears of career damage, and consequently 83% of those harassed said they did not officially report their experiences.
I have been affected by sexual harassment. What can I do and who can I talk to?
  • If you’ve been affected by sexual harassment in any way at work; whether you have been sexual harassed or have witnessed it, you’re concerned you may have behaved inappropriately, or you believe you have been wrongfully accused, you can find guidance on what you can do in our Code of Conduct from page 10.
  • If you believe you have been affected by harassment which may amount to criminal conduct, such as sexual assault, stalking, indecent exposure or offensive communications, you may want to consider contacting the police.
  • Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger. Contact your local police if it’s not an emergency.
  • You can also find a list of organisations in this document who may be able to provide you with information and support.
  • If you’re unsure who would be the best organisation to speak to or would like specific guidance around your situation at work, contact the NABS Advice Line on 0800 707 6607 who can help.
Who are NABS and how can they help?
  • NABS are one of the three founding partners of timeTo.
  • They are the support organisation for the UK advertising, marketing and media industry, who’s central ambition is improving wellbeing for everyone in the industry. They do this by offering a range of free services including an Advice Line, career coaching, mentoring, masterclasses, networking events, upskilling grants and lots more.
  • Their Advice Line is manned by trained, professional advisors who are able to offer advice, support and guidance on issues around sexual harassment. And if they can’t help, they can direct you to organisations that can.
  • The service is impartial, unbiased and free to use for anyone working within the industry. They can be reached during normal working hours using the freephone number: 0800 707 6607
I’m not in the advertising and marketing industry, but I’ve been affected by sexual harassment. What can I do and who can I talk to?
  • If you’ve been affected by sexual harassment but don’t work in the UK advertising and marketing industry, there’s still lots of help out there. As a starting point, please refer to this document which offers links to other sources of help.
  • If you believe you have been affected by harassment which may amount to criminal conduct, such as sexual assault, stalking, indecent exposure or offensive communications, you may want to consider contacting the police.
  • Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger. Contact your local police if it’s not an emergency.
How can I or my company endorse timeTo?
  • Go to Endorse the Code at the bottom of the timeTo homepage and fill out the details. Below this you can also see a list of companies who have already signed up to endorse.
  • You will receive an automated response followed by an email from a member of the timeTo team with initial endorsement information. You can also ask for further information about endorsement before or after signing up by emailing timeToInfo@nabs.org.uk
  • To endorse the Code, we ask that companies commit to the following three things, with buy-in from the top:
    1. Your company agrees with the ambitions of the Code
    2. Your company will be taking steps to put the Code into practice over the next 6-12 months
    3. Senior leaders will share the Code with their teams as it defines what constitutes sexual harassment and gives guidance on what to do if you experience sexual harassment, witness it taking place, fear that you may have acted inappropriately, or are wrongfully accused of it
What happens next, once my company has endorsed timeTo?
  • You’ll receive various communications from the timeTo team. This will include information about how to endorse and a check-list of things to do in the short and long term to begin making real cultural change within your organisation.
  • There are also various communications assets – from posters to put up around your office, to a digital banner to go on your website, email signatures or social platforms, so you can shout about your endorsement of the Code.
  • It will then be incumbent upon your organisation to make real, significant and meaningful changes. We are here along the way to help guide you, but change must come from the very top of your organisation and it must be genuine. We encourage you to perform research internally (our survey is available to use within your business), and repeat it to ensure you can track changes and see whether the initiatives you have put in place are working.
  • Please also ensure your teams are aware of NABS and the services they offer – they are here to offer real help and guidance.
How can I find out what/whether issues exist within my company?
  • We recommend performing anonymous research amongst your teams.
How can I help make timeTo famous?
  • We want as many people as possible to know about timeTo and for as many companies as possible across the industry to take on board our recommendations. If you have ideas about how you can help make timeTo famous, we’d love to hear from you!
  • Here are just some of the ways you might be able to help:
    • Can you offer us media inventory on which we can share our campaign?
    • Are you interested in creating communications for us that promote the initiative? A blog, an article, a creative campaign, a stunt?
    • Can you introduce us to partners who are doing interesting things in this area?
    • Can you invite us to take part in an industry event or panel discussion?
  • If you can help with any of these things, or if it’s something we’ve not thought of yet, contact: timeToMedia@nabs.org.uk
How can I get personally involved in the timeTo movement?
  • If you’re feel passionately about the issues around timeTo, then join us:
    1. Sign your company up to endorse the Code
    2. Perform the timeTo anonymous survey internally to find out the views and experiences of people within your company. Understanding the issues is the first step to making positive change.
    3. Share timeTo and our various assets on social media, using #timeTo and @ad_association, @NABS_UK, @WACL1
    4. Get in contact with us and tell us how you’d like to get involved, or find out what’s going on: timeToInfo@nabs.org.uk
  • Whenever we write about timeTo and sexual harassment, we like to end with this call-to-action, so people know there’s someone they can talk to, so please feel free to do the same:
    • No one should have to put up with sexual harassment; anytime, anywhere. For free, confidential and impartial advice and support, for anyone working in the advertising, marketing and media industry, call the NABS Advice Line on 0800 707 6607, 9am-5.30pm on weekdays.
I want my company to get involved in timeTo, but I don’t have the authority to make my company become an endorser. What can I do?
  • Get in touch with the timeTo team on timeToInfo@nabs.org.uk – there’s a good chance a member of the timeTo steering committee knows who to talk to within your company, so we might be able to help. If we don’t, we can offer you advice on how to get things moving internally.
  • You can also speak to a member of your HR team or ask NABS whether there’s an Ambassador in your workplace who can help. You might even want to consider becoming an Ambassador yourself!
Are there marketing materials I can use within my company?
  • There certainly is! Contact timeToInfo@nabs.org.uk and we’ll send you over a pack of assets you can use internally.
  • We’ll also provide you with the timeTo Endorser’s banner/logo on your website, email signatures and social platforms.
  • There is also a PowerPoint which can be used as an internal briefing at staff meetings or inductions.

Need support?

No one should have to put up with sexual harassment; anytime or anywhere.

For free, confidential and impartial advice and support, for anyone working in the advertising, marketing and media industry, call the NABS Advice Line on 0800 707 6607, 9am – 5.30pm on week days.

If you believe you have been affected by harassment which may amount to criminal conduct, you may want to consider contacting the police. You can also find a list of organisations who may be able to provide support here.

call NABS Advice Line on


or email timeTo@nabs.org.uk

contact emails

For help, advice and support around sexual harassment, please email: timeTo@nabs.org.uk

For further information about the timeTo initiative, or if you’d like to endorse the Code, please contact: timeToInfo@nabs.org.uk

For media and press inquiries, please email: timeToMedia@nabs.org.uk

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  • NABS logo
  • WACL logo